Bayside Sea Scouts is entirely volunteer run.
We would love to have you join the team!
What do our volunteers do?
“Both my children are Bayside Sea Scouts and I love that I am able to help. Volunteering my time at a Fundraising event, is a great way to meet other parents and form great friendships. Seeing my kids, learn new skills, gain confidence and make wonderful friends, on a section night, as a parent helper is wonderful. I know by helping as a volunteer at Bayside Sea Scouts is helping a whole generation of kids gain life skills they would not get anywhere else. The opportunities, I can help give all the Youth Members, by doing my bit is worth it when I see a Scout looking out for a Cub or a Venturer looking out for a Scout and our amazing Leaders looking out for everyone. Volunteer today to help raise the great adults of our future.”
Rebecca Meagher – Volunteer Fundraising Coordinator and Mum of Cub and Venturer.

How do you become a volunteer?
There are many volunteer roles, including admin and support, section leaders and parent helpers, fundraising and grants assistance and many more.
We hold annual AGMs where positions are available to be filled. In addition, if you would like to have a go volunteering with us before then please go to the Contact Us page and drop us a line, we’d love to hear from you!
Our Amazing Leaders
The Bayside Sea Scouts is managed by a Group Leader and Assistant Group Leader.
Each Section has a Section Leader and one or more Assistant Section Leaders.
Group Leaders

Group Leader
RedclawGroup Leader
The Group Leader looks after the Bayside Sea Scouts group and represents our group at a regional and State level.
Assistant Group Leader
DodgerAssistant Group Leader
The Assistant Group Leader supports and Group Leader in their role
Cub Scout Leaders

Cub Scout Leader
SeahorseCub Scout Leader
The Cub Scout Leader is responsible for organising and running the cub events and activities.
Assistant Scout Cub Leader
StarfishAssistant Scout Cub Leader
The Assistant Scout Cub Leader is responsible for assisting the Cub Leader and helping organise and run the events and activities each week.

Assistant Cub Leader
How about giving it a go?Assistant Cub Leader
This position is currently vacant – have a try out and see if you like it!
Scout Leaders
Scouts Leader
BosunAssistant Scouts Leader
StingrayThe Assistant Scout Leader is responsible for assisting the Scouts leader to organise and run the Scout events and activities.
Assistant Scout Leader
The Assistant Scout Leader is responsible for assisting the Scouts leader to organise and run the Scout events and activities.
Venturers Scout Leader

Why volunteer for Bayside Sea Scouts?

You get to do the unexpected

Sometimes in strange clothing

Meet interesting characters....

And have a great time!
Our Committee
The committee’s role is to support the Leaders in delivering an existing and sustainable program. All committee members are volunteers. The Bayside Sea Scouts Committee aims to be welcoming to all members of our group and to have as much fun as the kids.
The Chairperson is responsible for the day to day running of Bayside Sea Scouts and ensuring that all groups and tasks are being completed.
The Treasurer looks after the finances for Bayside Sea Scouts. They manage all invoices and receipts and keeps track of hall costs and all other financial matters.
The Secretary ensures the smooth running of the organisation including meeting agendas and minutes, maintaining inter-committee communications and responding to public enquiries.
Fundraising Co-ordinator – vacant
The Fundraising Co-ordinator organisers the parent volunteers to run event to fundraise for youth and leader events such as jamborees and maintenance of our hall.
Grants Writer – vacant
The Grants Writer makes all our dreams come true! Grants provide opportunities to increase our equipment, maintain our hall and provide more activities for all our Sea Scouts.
Maintenance Officer – vacant
This position is currently vacant! The role is to help maintain the hall, identify areas that have maintenance needs and liaise with the team to organise any work that needs to be done.
Hall Hire Officer – vacant
The income from Hall Hire helps with maintenance and lease costs. The Hall Hire officer responds to all hall hire inquiries and manages bookings.
Website Officer
The Website Officer creates and maintains the website, including responding to feedback and regularly updating the site.
Our volunteer team make it all happen

Rescues and emergency drills are all part of what our Sea Scouts learn how to manage. The only way to prep for this is with lots of fake blood, rolls of stretchy bandages and a willingness to get wet, dirty and covered in paint.

Sea Scouts will give children memories for life. Our volunteers make sure they have the proof to back up tall stories and fun adventures for every single member of our group.

All parents are encouraged to get involved and help keep our organisation amazing by volunteering. There’s nothing like a coffee to get your mind on the job whether at the hall, in the camp or by the boats.

You never know what you’ll be called on to do in the name of Bayside Sea Scouts. But whatever it is it’s guaranteed to be a lot of fun (with possibly a lot of washing up afterwards!).