Joining Forms

When joining the Bayside Sea Scouts please follow the instructions on our ‘Joining & Uniform’ page.

Once Bayside Sea Scouts receives notification and processes the applications you will receive an invoice from our Treasurer to pay the fees (please do not enter your credit card details on the form).

Once the invoice is paid you may purchase the uniform (see our ‘Joining & Uniform’ page for more information).

General Forms

The Get Started Voucher opportunity is one of the funding programs that comprise the Queensland Government’s Get in the Game initiative to support sport and active recreation at the grassroots level.

Get Started Vouchers assist children and young people who can least afford or may otherwise benefit from joining a sport or active recreation club.

Eligible children and young people can apply for a voucher valued up to $150, which can be redeemed at a sport or recreation club that is registered for Get Started Vouchers. Please download the pdf for more information and follow the contact details if you have further questions.

To make a booking for the Bayside Sea Scouts hall please visit our Hall Hire page in the first instance, or contact

Times that are not available for booking are those during which our scout groups meet – Monday and Wednesday evenings during term times. All other times are available for bookings. Discounted rates are available for regular bookings.