Bayside Sea Scouts

The aim of Scouting is to encourage the physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual development of young people so that they can take a constructive place in society as a member of their local, national and international community.


Bayside Sea Scouts has something for everyone so come along and be part of the fun.

Submit an Online Enquiry Form to request to join or if you have any questions regarding joining.


Uniforms are worn by all youth members and Leaders and maintain the pride and professionalism of scouting.  

Our fees cover our group costs and many youth activities.


Our hall is called the ‘Landship’ and has a beautiful seaside location and view.  With full amenities the hall is available for hire either on a regular or one-off basis. All funds raised go towards the maintenance of this wonderful community asset.

Who are we?

Historically Sea Scout Groups differed from regular Scouting Groups through their location, uniforms, customs and activities. Nowadays, new Sea Scout Groups are no longer formed and remaining Sea Scout Groups are functioning largely as regular Scout Groups. The Bayside Sea Scout Group was formed in 1953 and we are proud of our Sea Scout heritage and try to keep the Sea Scout spirit alive.

We uphold the Scout Law and Scout Promise as established by Scouts Australia.

The Bayside Sea Scout Group participates in a range of activities and aim ‘to encourage the physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual and character development of young people so that they take a constructive place in society as a member of their local, national and international community.’  Our mission is to create an atmosphere of team-work, support and encouragement.

Bayside Sea Scouts Mission

Our Mission

The Bayside Sea Scouts mission to to ensure that each and every member will grow to be a caring, responsible citizen in his or her community.

Our mission

Bayside Sea Scouts ensures the mission goal is kept in mind during all events, activities and team work across the entire group. Whilst undertaking fun activities, the themes of caring for family, friends and ourselves and for our world are promoted across all our sections and without team of volunteers who work together to ensure our group continues on strongly into the future. Self-esteem and respect among all team members are encouraged and supported, with an emphasis on doing one’s best rather than winning at any cost.


The movement’s ‘learning by doing’ program is specially tailored to the needs of each age group and presented by caring adults who are interested in the progress and well-being of our young people.


We encourage physical, intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual development of young people so that they will take a constructive place in society. The benefits gained through Scouting are of paramount importance to general life skills and it is very rewarding for parents who witness their children develop by gaining confidence, self- reliance, good friendships and a concern for the world in which we live.

Our training

The various Sections within the Scout Group participate in different activites that are age appropriate. All activities are planned and supervised by fully trained and Blue Card Certified Leaders.

Our training

Leaders are fully trained to ensure all appropriate needs are met and that the philosophy of the Scouting movement is delivered in a positive and caring environment. Family and friends of new members are encouraged to volunteer and will receive free training as well.


Scouts welcome children and young adults from all backgrounds, all cultures and all abilities. We are happy to assist families where cost is a concern – we don’t want any child to miss out.


During their years in the Scouting organization your child will have the opportunity to develop an understanding of how to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, cheerful, thrifty, courageous and respectful and to care for their environment. Activities we undertake include canoeing, sailing, camping trips, learning songs, story telling, nature walks, abseiling and hiking.

Bayside Sea Scouts Code of Conduct

The Bayside Sea Scouts Code of Conduct has been designed to ensure all Sea Scouts, Leaders, parents and adult members are treated fairly and with respect and work together as supportive teams in a positive and friendly fun environment.

  • Take pride when wearing your Bayside Sea Scouts Uniform.

  • Speak respectfully to all members of the group.

  • Listen when a Leader is giving instructions.

  • Respect our opening and closing ceremonies at section nights.

  • Our Leaders happily volunteer their time to Scouting and your child. Please be respectful to Leaders and value the time they donate.

  • Our home is the “Landship.” Keep it ship-shape, clean and well maintained.

  • Parent help is essential to our Scout Group and volunteering is compulsory. Become involved and ask how you can help.

  • If a problem arises speak to your Section Leader they are there to help.

Want to know more about Scouting in Queensland

More Information is provided on the Scouts Queensland Website

Our Achievements

Children engaged
Mud Runs Completed
Camping Expeditions
Adults amused