Our Catchments

Wynnum, Lota and Lower Tingalpa Creeks

Moreton Bay and its waterways provide quality of life, amenity and social harmony, with activities including fishing, swimming, boating, scenic appreciation, tourism and recreation. Most important of all are the ecosystem services provided by mother nature providing the biodiversity of landscape and wildlife around us. These environmental values support our lifestyles and livelihoods and make the bayside a wonderful place to be.

If you live or work in Wynnum, Wynnum-West, Manly, Manly-West, Lota, Gumdale, Wakerley, Chandler or Ransome, you have a direct impact on the health of the waterways! The Bayside catchments collectively cover an area of about 30 km2, in the Brisbane City local government boundary, comprising the following two major areas:

  • Wynnum Creek Catchment
  • Lota and Lower Tingalpa Creek Catchments

Want to keep informed of Bayside Creek Catchment Group events?

BCCG has a facebook page that is regularly updated with news and events. We also send out a regular newsletter to supporters, which has information of special opportunities for members as well as news from around the catchment.
If you would like to have access to training, selected habitat/conservation workshops and get support for new ideas or projects in our catchment area then why not consider becoming a member? Check out our ‘Get Involved’ page for more information.

The bushcare groups are supported with training, equipment and events organised by BCC. Thank you BCC!

Wynnum Creek Catchment

Wynnum Creek Catchment

Wynnum Creek is a small coastal creek that flows gently in a northerly direction and discharges directly into the Moreton Bay Marine Park. In sections Wynnum Creek is highly modified with little or no supporting riparian vegetation. In thelower reaches, however, the creek retains a more natural form.

From Corren Street the creek is tidal and features estuarine vegetation such as mangroves and some salt marsh species. Downstream of the Fox Street Bridge the channel widens to its discharge point at Waterloo Bay. The creek has one tributary that emerges froma piped catchment and meets the main channel at Stannard Road.


Very little of Wynnum Creek Catchment is available as habitat for native wildlife. Due to the lack of vegetation most of the significant animals in this catchment are associated with the marine environment and Moreton Bay, in particular the mouth of the creek provdies habitat for internationally important migratory wader birds such as:

  • Eastern curlew
  • White-bellied Sea Eagle
  • Osprey
  • Sand Plover
  • Rainbow bee-eater

Koalas have also been seen in this catchment

Lota and Lower Tinglapa Creeks Catchment

Lota and Lower Tingalpa Creeks Catchment

Lota Creek is a small coastal waterway fed by a number of unnamed tributaries. The catchment is rapidly changing, in parts, from large lot rural residential to urban use. Near its mouth, the creek drains into Tingalpa Creek and then into Moreton Bay Marine Park. The headwaters of Lota Creek
are at Chandler and include the Sleeman Sports Complex and the Chandler Landfill Transfer Station. The creek then runs in a north-easterly direction.

The Lota Creek catchment share boundaries with the catchment of Wynnum Creek to the north, Bulimba Creek to the west and with Tingalpa Creek in the south.

The catchment area of Lota and lower Tingalpa Creeks is recognised as being environmentally significant at an international, national and local level.
The lower reaches of the creeks flow into the Moreton Bay Marine Park and the wetlands are protected under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance.

The wetlands are also listed as a Wetland of National Importance. The wader birds that use the habitats provided by the creeks are protected by international agreements including the Japan- Australia and China-Australia migratory bird agreements (JAMBA and CAMBA).

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